About Daraul Harris

Software Engineer at the National Data Management Authority.

Gatekeepers Training for Suicide Prevention 

1 Dec 2022 News

The Mental Health Unit provided training for a total of 150 key persons across five (5) Regions to become “Gatekeepers”. These persons include teachers, civil society members, police officers, and religious & community leaders, within communities of Regions 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6.

Gatekeepers were trained in these specific areas:

  • Distinguish when someone at risk for suicide.​
  • Provide knowledge on psychological distress, including verbal, behavioral or situational
  • Raise awareness about suicide to reduce stigma and discrimination.​
  • Provide knowledge about suicide and provide positive coping skills to individuals at risk.​
  • Link at risk persons for suicide to suitable mental health services in an efficient and coordinated manner.​

Mental Health Unit collaborations

1 Dec 2022 News

Ministry of Human Services​ & Social Security, and the GPHC Psychiatry Department

Collaborations with the Ministry of Human Services​ & Social Security, and the GPHC Psychiatry Department, provide monthly Psychiatric Clinics for the residents of the Night Shelter and the Hugo Chavez Rehabilitation Center.​

Guyana Prison Service

On 11th November 2022, a total of 39 inmates from the Georgetown, Lusignan and Timehri Prisons successfully graduated from mental health workshops in Stress & Anger Management.

Guyana Well-Being Project Columbia University U.S.A.

A national investigation conducted by Columbia University in New York, USA, in partnership with the Ministry of Health, Guyana, and funded by the US National Institute of Mental Health that measures risks with respect to self-harm in individuals aged 15 and older who have either attempted or completed any aspect of self-harm.

PAHO/NSRF Self-Harm Surveillance Project 

A collaboration with the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), the National Suicide Research Foundation (NSRF) and School of Public Health, University College Cork, Ireland and the Australian Institute for Suicide Research and Prevention, that saw to the training of medical personnel for surveillance of hospital presented self-harm in Guyana, Trinidad & Tobago and Suriname. ​Encompasses eight (8) hospitals, across regions 3, 4 & 6.

International Development and Relief Foundation (IDRF) – Canada

Called the ‘Safeguarding the Human Dignity and Rights of Populations at Risk for Ill-Mental Health in Vulnerable Communities across Guyana’ project, this collaboration focuses on strengthening the availability and capacity of mental health services at both the community and school levels, to address high suicide rates among other areas.



Disclaimer: The content of this website is to be used strictly for educational purposes. This information is not intended to substitute for professional medical advice or consultation with a mental health professional.